Picture of the Week

Email me your pics from the road too! We'll get the best one's online! Send to themidwestwanderer@gmail.com Happy travels!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Well, we are in the heart of Oktoberfest...

So in the last few weeks I've hit the road quite a bit again.  And this leads to me inevitably having to tip a few of the local brews with friends, customers, and sometimes strangers.  Since we are in the heart of Oktoberfest (which traditionally runs in Munich from September 19th through October 3rd), I figured I'd do my best to put together a truly scientific review of some of the best Oktoberfest brews I can get my hands on.  Here's a run down on the last five samplings...

Number 5:     Samual Adams Octoberfest

Obviously Sam Adams is one of the bigger names in the world of craft beer.  But just because The Boston Beer Company, Inc is publicly traded now doesn't mean they can't crank out good beer still.  If you're in need of a little holiday (yes, Oktoberfest is a holiday) cheer and you don't know any other labels in the cooler at your local liquer store, you can't go wrong with this choice.  Pretty mild, not too hoppy, and easy to drink!

Number 4:   Schell's Oktoberfest

Since August Schell Brewing Company has been in business in New Ulm, MN since 1860, it would make sense that Schell's Oktoberfest has stood the test of time.  This is a great beer, a little stronger note on the hops, but is really fun to drink when the sun is shining and the leaves are falling.  Just remember to bring a bottle opener!

Number 3:  Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest

From the home of hte Leinie Lodge in Chippewa Falls, WI, comes a very good Oktoberfest seasonal beer from the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company.  This is a bit spicy of Leinie menu, but has a very good flavor.  The other good news is that you can buy it just about anywhere for about $8.00 a six pack!  Great beer...

Number 2: Boulevard Bob's '47 Oktoberfest

A fairly newcomer to the Marzen Oktoberfest lineup, Kansas City's very own Boulevard Brewing Company has come to the table with a very good option for your fall festivity menu!  Bob's '47 Oktoberfest is a strong, crisp and tasty choice for any of you who like a little color and zest in your beer.  I highly recommend checking this one out.

Last but not least NUMERO UNO: Schlafly's Oktoberfest

If you've ever talked to me about beer before (it's a top five topic in my world), then you'll know that I'm a big fan of Schlafly Bottleworks and The Saint Louis Brewery, Inc.!  They put out great beer all year long.  But if you happen to find yourself in the St. Louis or Kansas City areas, do yourself a favor and pick up a six-pack of their seasonal Oktoberfest.  It certainly is spicy, a little dark, and smooth as silk.  This is a great beer to crack open in front of a camp fire and tell fish stories to all your buddies.

If anyone is looking for any resources on this article, I highly recommend http://www.beeradvocate.com/.  You can also visit any of these companies through their respective websites.  Please note that you must be 21 years of age to puruse their sites.  Drink responsibly everyone, but drink well!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's been a long three months...

It's been awhile since I've written about my travels.  The last three months have taken me all over the United States, through 18 states and over 11,400 miles of windshield time.  I've seen lots of painted lines on miles and miles of road.  I thought I'd get back on the proverbial blogging saddle by telling you about some of the best....and worst experiences I've had on the road since January.

Top 5 WORST Experiences from the road...

5)  Cheap Motels- I don't do this very often, but on two separate occasions, I just grabbed the first hotel room I could find (at 1:00am).  In both cases, I got an inexpensive hotel, with a bed, bathroom, TV, towels, and hand soap.  But in no way shape or form did I get a good experience.  In both cases, I couldn't wait to wake up from the rock called a bed so that I could check out before the drug dealers checked in.  Lesson #5- you get what you pay for almost all the time...

4) Fast Food Restaurants- This is really a no brainer, but when you're on the road for 48 out of 60 days, it's probably not healthy to eat at McDonald's (or the BK Lounge, or anywhere else your food is served in less than 3 minutes) for every meal.  In spite of this knowledge, I find myself in line at the drive through again.  Someone just kick me...

3) Company Fleet Trucks- Now this one could go either way.  One could make the argument for this item to be on the "pro" side of the column, since I neither have to pay for the truck nor fuel and maintenance.  But since I don't pay these bills, I don't get to pick the level of comfort my chariot provides.  Therefore, it's uncomfortable seats, old-school crank windows and manual locks, and virtually no radio reception.  This equals a lot of bad singing...

Downtown St. Louis
2) 5:00 Traffic- Now if you don't live or drive through a large city very often, this might not mean much to you.  After all, I have yet to find a true traffic jam in South Dakota due to the clock striking 5.  However, I assure you that in many metropolitan areas throughout our great nation truly do have a traffic problem.  If I lived in any one of these areas, I would learn the term "tele-commuter" quite well.

1) Tornadoes you can't see-  I really should say all bad weather.  It's no fun driving in a bad rain storm, but it's really not fun knowing that this storm might bite you too!  This happened to occur to me in Little Rock, AR.  But I again drove in a rough storm outside of Wichita, KS...and there's nothing to stop the storm there!  Bad weather makes driving miserable...from blizzards to hail storms, they're all bad.

Now, Top 5 BEST Experiences from the road...

Damn good Pina Colada
5)  Free Hotel Upgrades- Many of you know that I stay in A LOT of hotels each year.  When you get personal letters from the corporate offices, you know you've paid a few of their bills.  But one of the best perks that comes with brand loyalty is free upgrades.  I'm almost embarrassed at the size of some of the rooms I've stayed in.  Have to say it's nice, since it's my home away from home...but still a bit ridiculous. 

4) Invites for home cooking- Please reference #4 worst from my list...I have been lucky enough to develop some good relationships in the areas where I roam.  I am very appreciative to those folks that understand my life this time of year and know how much I get tired of restaurants, both good and bad.  Nothing beats home-cooking...ever!

Me on Naples Pier- Naples, FL
3) Sunshine and 75- I tell you what, when it's still cold as hell and snowing like a banshee at home, I don't mind having to travel in sunshine and 75 degrees.  One major benefit of my territory is nice weather in February and March (most of the time).  It just makes you feel better.

2) Productivity-  I don't travel that often for pure pleasure.  Most of my miles are driven in chase of the almighty dollar.  So it's nice to see many parts of our country awake from the deep-freeze of the recession.  Lots of people are going back to work...it's good to see!

St. Patrick's Day- Bourbon Street, New Orleans, LA
1) COMING HOME!- The very best, I mean VERY BEST, part of my travels is when I get to come home.  Nothing beats the feeling of two little munchkins tackling you as you come through the door.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Top Ten Top Ten Road Trip Songs of All Time!

Ok, so if you know me, you understand that the new year brings with it the likelihood of some serious windshield time in the upcoming months.  I often times log 30,000 to 40,000 miles from the inside of a windshield each year.  Much of this travel is by myself.  So this leads us to conclude one of three things: 1)  I am a lunatic and talk to myself all day (which is true by the way),  2) I don't shower and no one wants to ride ANYWHERE with me, or lastly 3)  I fill my time with some killer tunes and sing at the top of my lungs because I'm almost always by myself (ding ding ding)!

In this slightly tardy episode of The Midwest Wanderer, I'm going to drop my Top Ten Best Road Trip Songs of All Time so far.  Here goes...

10.  The Weary Kind by Ryan Bingham

If you haven't heard of this guy, check out the website for Ryan Bingham and his band, The Dead Horses.  Serious soulful roadtrip kind of stuff.  You can find them at www.binghammusic.com.  This tune is on the soundtrack to the movie Crazy Heart (starred Jeff Bridges as a drunken comeback country artist).  This soundtrack was released in January, 2010, but these guys have been hitting the scene for some time before releasing their first album in 2007.  Check them out....

9.  Highwayman - Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson

Now just to be clear, this song was first released by another country legend, Glen Campbell in 1979 on the Highwayman record.  But frankly, his original version of this song was weak.  Johnny, Waylon, Willie, and Kris followed Glen Campbell's record with Highwayman 2 in 1990 and Highwayman Super Hits in 1999, which is when they did the remake of the original.  Sometimes the best version isn't the first try.  Check this song out on Pandora if you want to get a taste of this album.  Time and miles fly when I listen to this.

8.  Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

If you're not a fan of at least some of the Boss' music, then you probably aren't in elementary school yet.  This is one of the most popular hits ever released from Bruce Springsteen.  This song came out on the Born in the U.S.A. album in 1984.  This is the quintessential Springsteen song.  Hard to be on a solo road trip and not crank this song.

7.  That was a Crazy Game of Poker by O.A.R.

This was a natural choice for several reasons.  First, this fun tune was released on the album titled The Wanderer in 1997.  Secondly, 1997 was my first year of college, and I'm pretty sure there were several crazy games of poker going on at the same time.  Lastly, O.A.R. is a band that has just been making great tunes to jam out to for the last 15+ years. 

6.  Whiskey in a Jar by Metallica

If you haven't noticed yet, my iPod is a menagerie of genres.  I listen to all music that is good.  When Metallica released Garage, Inc. in 1998, they hit it out of the park with this one.  This is my favorite Metallica road-trip song of all time....and it's even a cover!  This is an old Irish drinking song that been covered by about 1000 bands, so giving credit where it's due is a bit tough.  But I believe Metallica front-man James Hetfield gives credit to The Clancy Brothers.

5.  All Along the Watchtower by Dave Matthews Band

Clearly this is a cover of the late and super great Jimi Hendrix.  Jimi's version is stellar, and worthy of the list.  But everyone has heard his version.  Pretty much everyone has heard of the DMB, but not necessarily their version of this iconic tune.  There are many live DMB versions of this song out on iTunes or the world wide web, but my favorite by far is the August 1995 version they recorded at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado.  First, if you've never seen a concert at Red Rocks, it's worthy of the road trip no matter how far away you live.  Secondly, DMB's version of this song eases you into the song with an almost an a-capela version of the song, then it hits you why this is such a good road trip song...20 miles just went by and you only listened to one killer tune!!!  Check out http://www.davematthewsband.com/  and http://www.redrocksonline.com/ just to get the full feel of the song.

4.  Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise by The Avett Brothers

If my wife reads this blog, she'll be the first one (and probably only one) who will know that I'm stealing from her.  Stealing songs she likes anyway.  Sam introduced me to The Avett Brothers earlier this year.  They have been releasing albums since 2004, but this great tune comes from their I and Love and You cd released in February 2010.  This is a great disc full of tons of great tunes, but this one takes the cake.  I will admit that it's a bit melancholy, but what road trip would be complete without a little drama.  Check these guys out at http://www.theavettbrothers.com/.


3.  Crosby Steals Nash and Runsby Mel Gibson and The Pants

I realize there might be a good chance you've never heard of this group or this song, but I'm hear to tell you that Mel Gibson and the Pants are for real, and really broken up.  It sounds like there won't be any new material for awhile, so check out their 2005 disc, A Mannequin American, for some killer beats and very insightful lyrics.  Oh ya, and the front man is basically my brother-in-law (if common-law marriage still existed in Minnesota).  Paper Shaper Shifter and Shark Sandwich are a few other great tunes that will put you in a wandering mood.

2.  Heart of Gold by Neil Young 

It just felt right to me that I would follow up a spin-off of the group Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young with a song from at least one of them!  It's hard not to be a fan of Neil Young's songs, and Heart of Gold is definetely one that I am.  This was released on the Harvest album in 2009.  I think we're all searching for a little gold in everyone's hearts.  Great tune for epic adventures!  You can find Neil Young's website at http://www.neilyoung.com/.

Last and certainly not least...A TIE!

1. My Name is Jonas by Weezer and Pancho & Lefty by Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson

I realize that a tie for first place is kind of a cop-out, but despite the drastic differences in my co-first place songs, both Weezer and Merle & Willie know how to pass the time with some great road trip tunes!

In the self-titled "Blue Album", Weezer came onto the scene in 1994.  My Name is Jonas is hard to not rock out to.  I'm not sure what it is about this album, but just about every song on the "Blue Album" is good.  One of my all-time favorites.

I think Willie Nelson knows a thing or two about road trips.  I thought it would be too cliche to pick On the Road Again, so I picked another Willie song paired with the legend Merle Haggard.  Is there anything more to say?  These guys just are flat out timeless.

I wish you all the best in your travels in 2011!  Happy New Year everybody!!!