Picture of the Week

Email me your pics from the road too! We'll get the best one's online! Send to themidwestwanderer@gmail.com Happy travels!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's been a long three months...

It's been awhile since I've written about my travels.  The last three months have taken me all over the United States, through 18 states and over 11,400 miles of windshield time.  I've seen lots of painted lines on miles and miles of road.  I thought I'd get back on the proverbial blogging saddle by telling you about some of the best....and worst experiences I've had on the road since January.

Top 5 WORST Experiences from the road...

5)  Cheap Motels- I don't do this very often, but on two separate occasions, I just grabbed the first hotel room I could find (at 1:00am).  In both cases, I got an inexpensive hotel, with a bed, bathroom, TV, towels, and hand soap.  But in no way shape or form did I get a good experience.  In both cases, I couldn't wait to wake up from the rock called a bed so that I could check out before the drug dealers checked in.  Lesson #5- you get what you pay for almost all the time...

4) Fast Food Restaurants- This is really a no brainer, but when you're on the road for 48 out of 60 days, it's probably not healthy to eat at McDonald's (or the BK Lounge, or anywhere else your food is served in less than 3 minutes) for every meal.  In spite of this knowledge, I find myself in line at the drive through again.  Someone just kick me...

3) Company Fleet Trucks- Now this one could go either way.  One could make the argument for this item to be on the "pro" side of the column, since I neither have to pay for the truck nor fuel and maintenance.  But since I don't pay these bills, I don't get to pick the level of comfort my chariot provides.  Therefore, it's uncomfortable seats, old-school crank windows and manual locks, and virtually no radio reception.  This equals a lot of bad singing...

Downtown St. Louis
2) 5:00 Traffic- Now if you don't live or drive through a large city very often, this might not mean much to you.  After all, I have yet to find a true traffic jam in South Dakota due to the clock striking 5.  However, I assure you that in many metropolitan areas throughout our great nation truly do have a traffic problem.  If I lived in any one of these areas, I would learn the term "tele-commuter" quite well.

1) Tornadoes you can't see-  I really should say all bad weather.  It's no fun driving in a bad rain storm, but it's really not fun knowing that this storm might bite you too!  This happened to occur to me in Little Rock, AR.  But I again drove in a rough storm outside of Wichita, KS...and there's nothing to stop the storm there!  Bad weather makes driving miserable...from blizzards to hail storms, they're all bad.

Now, Top 5 BEST Experiences from the road...

Damn good Pina Colada
5)  Free Hotel Upgrades- Many of you know that I stay in A LOT of hotels each year.  When you get personal letters from the corporate offices, you know you've paid a few of their bills.  But one of the best perks that comes with brand loyalty is free upgrades.  I'm almost embarrassed at the size of some of the rooms I've stayed in.  Have to say it's nice, since it's my home away from home...but still a bit ridiculous. 

4) Invites for home cooking- Please reference #4 worst from my list...I have been lucky enough to develop some good relationships in the areas where I roam.  I am very appreciative to those folks that understand my life this time of year and know how much I get tired of restaurants, both good and bad.  Nothing beats home-cooking...ever!

Me on Naples Pier- Naples, FL
3) Sunshine and 75- I tell you what, when it's still cold as hell and snowing like a banshee at home, I don't mind having to travel in sunshine and 75 degrees.  One major benefit of my territory is nice weather in February and March (most of the time).  It just makes you feel better.

2) Productivity-  I don't travel that often for pure pleasure.  Most of my miles are driven in chase of the almighty dollar.  So it's nice to see many parts of our country awake from the deep-freeze of the recession.  Lots of people are going back to work...it's good to see!

St. Patrick's Day- Bourbon Street, New Orleans, LA
1) COMING HOME!- The very best, I mean VERY BEST, part of my travels is when I get to come home.  Nothing beats the feeling of two little munchkins tackling you as you come through the door.


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